We are M&A Specialists.

We are focused on building long-term relationships, based on trust. This is critical for the type of engagement we are used to be involved with. As a result of that, our efforts are aligned in establishing a transparent, ethic and committed approach with our customers.

We pay attention on all details. In addition, we truly believe in a creative, methodic and simplified approach while solving complex problems and reaching agreements, which are key for being successful on each milestone.

We deploy time on understanding our clients’ needs and desires.

We are proud to say: the majority of GAPTA’s engagements were referred by current or past customers of our firm. Over the years we have advised several entrepreneurs and business owners on transactions that changed their lives for better.

Every transaction is usually a top priority process in the customer’s point of view. As a result of that we put ourselves in our customer’s shoes to make sure we reach the sale and purchase agreement phase as soon as possible. We believe that this phase is not reachable without senior level advice and strategy, both among our strengths at GAPTA CAPITAL PARTNERS proven skills.


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How do we differentiate ourselves from our competitors?

Proven track record: Several completed deals with proper confidentiality.

Global reach: We have offices in São Paulo, Brazil, and in Madrid, Spain. We also have partnership agreements in the United States and in Asia.

Sector expertise: Most in-depth knowledge of potential sellers and buyers to maximize value or savings for our clients.

Senior-Level attention on transactions and absolutely focused: We pay attention on our clients’ needs and do not like to waste their and our time. We focus on what really matters.

Our services

We are focused

M&A Mergers Acquisitions

Restructuting | Fund raising




Estevão Tavares is a former PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) Corporate Finance Director and has over 12 years of experience in leading M&A transactions and Debt reestructuring engagements.  During his career was involved in transactions in diverse segments such as: IT, Sugar and Ethanol, Agribusiness, Food and Ingredients, Wine and Spirits, Retail, Consumer Goods and Automotive. 

His experience includes roadshows for equity funding in Europe, US, China and Brazil with approximately R$ 1 billion in transactions successfully completed. Examples of completed M&A transactions include: (1) Disposal of Almadén, previously owned by Pernod Ricard, (2) Disposal of Fagergala do Brazil to JSP Japan, (3) Disposal of Premium to Midea China, (3) Merger of Miolo Wine Group, (4) Reestructuring of Unialco and (5) Reestructuring of Nhá Benta Coffes, (6) Debt & Equity fund raising for Miolo Wine Group, among other transactions.

Estevão is a native Portuguese speaker and fluent in English and Spanish. He holds a MBA in Finance from Fundação Getúlio Vargas University, São Paulo – Brazil.

Gapta Capital Partners Ltda.



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